Evaluation of prenatal care quality of pregnant women: a crosssectional sample from the south-east Türkiy

Sibel İçke, Sema Çifçi, Asiye Kocatürk


The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of prenatal care among pregnant women in Mardin Artuklu. Study data were collected in August and September 2022. A total of 335 pregnant women participated in this descriptive research. The sociodemographic information form and Prenatal Care Quality Scale were used as data collection tools. The mean total score of the Prenatal Care Quality Questionnaire was 168.6630.69. Results showed that prenatal visits more than 4 times, giving care from health centers, mothers educational level more than 12 years old, having health insurance are predisposing factors of quality of prenatal care (p<0.05). Although quality prenatal care is the right of every woman, there are still women who do not receive this care sufficiently and who are not aware of the care they receive. The role of midwives is important in raising awareness in women about the quality of prenatal care.

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