Effects of analgesic delivery on pelvic floor function of primiparous women

Zhang YH, Wang HH, Chen JQ, Zhang LY, Liu QC, Wang YF, Yao WL


This was an original article, and the objective of this study was to clarify the short-term effects of analgesic delivery on the pelvic floor function of primiparous women. Three hundred primiparas who delivered vaginally in The Affiliated Hospital of Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University from January 2022 to July 2022 were enrolled, and were divided into control and intervention groups. The control accepted traditional delivery without special analgesic intervention, while the intervention group accepted intraspinal block analgesia at the time of delivery. The results showed that related to the control group, the intervention group presented shorter first and second stages of labour, higher pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POP-Q) scores (0 and 1 degree) and hand-measured pelvic floor muscle strength scores, lower abnormal rate of muscle fatigue (class I and II), higher values of rapid contraction stage, tension contraction stage, and endurance contraction stage, lower values of pre-resting stage and post-resting stage, lower incidences of urinary retention and incontinence and higher VLQ and SSQ scores. We conclude that the implementation of analgesic delivery in primiparous women can effectively shorten the first and second stages of labor, suppress the damage to pelvic floor function, and elevate maternal satisfaction with sexual life

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