Self-esteem, defense mechanisms, sexual satisfaction and stress coping mechanisms in individuals treated for vaginismus: A controlled study

Tülay Y. Bingöl, Nermin Gürhan, Gökçen Erdoğan, Bahadır Genış


The aim of study was to analyze the extent to which treatment for vaginismus affect self-esteem, defense mechanisms, sexual satisfaction and coping with stress. Was conducted as aquasi-experimental, cross-sectional study. The population of the study consisted of womenwho were followed up with the diagnosis of vaginismus in obstetrics clinic. As data collection tools, “Personal Information Form”, “Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory”, “Sexual Satisfaction Scale”, “Coping Response Inventory” and “Defense Style Questionnaire” wereused. When people who were diagnosed with vaginismus and accepted treatment were asked about the reasons for demanding treatment, 11.4% of them responded that they experienced pain during sexual intercourse, 4.7% stated that they wanted to able to continue their marriage, and 2.8% of them stated that they wanted to gain self-confidence. When asked for whom they wanted the treatment of the disease, 61 of the participants responded, and 14 of them answered for "Me and my spouse" while 29 for "My spouse" and 18 for "Myself". It was revealed that self-esteem, defense mechanisms, sexual satisfaction and coping with stress are important factors in initiation, maintenance and completion of treatment in patients and that these factors should be especially emphasized during the treatment process.

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