Factors affecting maternal satisfaction in labor and neonatal outcomes: A cross-sectional study

Ayşegül Dönmez, Yeşim Yeşil


This study evaluated the factors affecting maternal satisfaction during labor and neonatal outcomes. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 319 mothers who gave birth in a hospital (01.10.2023-31.03.2024) and volunteered for the study. Data were collected using a personal information form including socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics of the mothers and the ‘Birth Satisfaction Scale’. The mean age of the mothers who participated in the study was 28.07±6.44 years. The mean score of the Birth Satisfaction Scale was 22.29±5.03. The sub-dimensions of the scale were found to be significantly affected by mode of delivery, various factors (p<0.05). Positive birth experience also affects maternal satisfaction. This study showed that maternal satisfaction in labor was at a moderate level. It explains that maternal satisfaction in labor is affected by the mode of delivery and other factors. In addition, it is seen that the method of delivery has various negative effects on the newborn.

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