Clinical application of airbag bionic midwifery technology in vaginal delivery of pregnancy with scarred uterus

Muling Zhang, Zhou XY


This was an original article, mainly explored the effect of applying airbag bionic midwifery technology in vaginal delivery of scarred uterus pregnancy. Sixty patients were chosen, and divided into an intervention group (IG) and a control group (CG). The results showed that in contrast to the CG, the IG had shorter first, second and total stages of labor (P<0.01), less amounts of blood loss during delivery and 2 h after delivery (P<0.01), lower visual analogue scale (VAS) score (P<0.01), higher natural delivery rate, lower forceps assisted delivery rate and cesarean section rate (P<0.05), lower incidence of postpartum complications (P<0.05), and higher childbirth satisfaction (P<0.05). We conclude that the implementation of airbag bionic midwifery technology in vaginal delivery of scarred uterus pregnancy has obvious effects, which can effectively promote the success of vaginal delivery, shorten the stages of labor, and alleviate the degree of pain. We recommend its more routine application in obstetric clinical practice.

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