The effect of coronavirus disease perception on somatic sensations and cognitive emotion regulation in pregnant women

Tülay Y. Bingöl, Merve Işık, Gökçen Erdoğan, Bahadır Genış, Nermin Gürhan


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of coronavirus disease perception on somatic sensations and cognitive emotion regulation in pregnant women. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 144 pregnant women. In the study, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Scale (CERS) short form, Coronavirus disease perception scale (CVDPS), Coronavirus anxiety scale (CVAS), and Exaggeration of Somatic Sensations Scale (ESSS) were used. In CERS, high scores of “Catastrophizing", "Blaming Others” sub-dimension are the significant variables that predict the scores of Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. Significant variables that predict scores of ESSS within the order of their importance are having high scores for “Rumination”, low scores for the presence of smoking and “Positive R-Refocusing” that are the sub-dimensions of CERS. Pregnant women use cognitive distortions such as catastrophizing and blaming others to generate coronavirus anxiety, predictors of exaggerating bodily sensations are increased ruminations and decreased positive refocusing.

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