The relationship between health literacy and family planning attitude in women in Kırşehir province, Turkey

Sümeyye Ahi, Fevziye Çetinkaya


To develop positive attitudes towards family planning, health literacy is important. This study aimed to investigate a relationship between health literacy and family planning attitudes among married women. 657 married women volunteered to participate in this cross-sectional, correlational and descriptive study. The Türkiye Health Literacy - 32 scale and the Family Planning Attitude Scale were used in the study. According to the results, the women's general health literacy score was 34.5±8.7 out of 50 points, which was adequate, and the family planning attitude score was 128.9±17.7 out of 170 points, which was above the average. İt is found a weak positive relationship between health literacy and family planning attitudes. Educational status, occupation and income level affect health literacy and family planning attitude. It is noteworthy that 84.4% of women with inadequate health literacy were using modern family planning methods, while this rate was 77.1% among women with adequate health literacy. To improve women's attitudes towards family planning, it is recommended that health literacy is improved, effective media content is developed and women are encouraged to use primary health care services.

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