Differences by age group in gender-related attitudes in Oromia, Ethiopia: Findings from a cross-sectional study of women of reproductive age

Elizabeth Millar, Fikadu Mitiku, Honelgn N. Hiruy, Janine Barden-O’Fallon


Attitudes on gender roles affect decision-making dynamics, resource distribution, and income-generating opportunities. However, little is known about how attitudes on gender roles differ by age group. Cross-sectional data collected from 1,113 households in Oromia, Ethiopia were used to assess differences in gender-related attitudes across female “youth” (ages 15–24), “young adults” (ages 25–34), and “older adults” (ages 35–49). Fifteen survey questions using a Likert scale measured attitudes on sexual and reproductive behaviors, expectations around livelihood activities, and perceived influence in household decision making. Associations between attitudes and age group were assessed using the Chi-squared test. Measures of perceived influence in decision making differed significantly by age group for household decisions about participation in wage employment, and use of revenue generated from wage employment, and crop and livestock production. Response patterns were consistent, with youth least likely to feel they have influence in decision making. The results suggest that policies and programs should continue to support the agency of female youth. (Afr J Reprod Health 2023; 27 [5s]: 36-45).

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