Women autonomy and demand for maternal health services in Nigeria: Evidence from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey
Improving women autonomy can be vital in determining the uptake of healthcare services, especially in a patriarchal society with gender rights concerns. Using the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey and employing Zero Inflated Negative Binomial regression, the effect of household decision-making power with considerations to women autonomy on the demand for maternal health services in Nigeria was examined. The result of the analysis suggests that women autonomy in deciding expenditures on household healthcare services, and autonomy in deciding their income expenditures significantly increases the likelihood of demand for maternal healthcare services. On the other hand, when the husband/partner makes sole decision, as well as joint decision making concerning expenditure on household healthcare services and expenditure of woman’s income reduces the likelihood of demand for maternal healthcare services in the country. This reduction was however much more when husband alone takes the decision than when decisions were taken jointly. Other socioeconomic variables like higher maternal education, and household wealth, also increased the demand for maternal healthcare services. We recommend that government should put in place policies that will help increase women’s participation in household decision-making through the sensitization and capacity building initiatives such as improved educational quality for women. (Afr J Reprod Health 2022; 26[4]: 65-74).
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