Determinants of modern contraceptive prevalence and unplanned pregnancies in Migori County, Kenya: results of a cross-sectional household survey

Troy D. Moon, Vincent Okoth, Joseph R. Starnes, Elisha Opiyo, Daniele J. Ressler, Julius Mbeya, Ash Rogers


Family planning and contraceptive utilization can have significant effects in reducing unplanned pregnancies and improving maternal and child health indicators.  We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study analyzing survey response data within six sub-locations of Migori County, Kenya in 2018 and 2019. We utilize this survey data to estimate both the prevalence of contraceptive uptake and unwanted pregnancies in the study populations, and to examine the potential role that different factors play in meeting related family planning targets. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and multivariable logistic regression was used to model determinants of contraceptive use and reported unplanned pregnancy. A total of 3,642 female heads of household were included. 63% of respondents reported that they currently use some form of contraception, and the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy was 36.7%.  Our findings reflect the need for family planning programs to focus interventions on those at highest risk. There is a need for additional research and investigation into community and individual beliefs surrounding family planning in order to ensure that interventions are culturally sensitive and locally responsive. (Afr J Reprod Health 2021; 25[1]: 29-40).

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